Substance 3D PainterSP / Blend modeSP / Paint toolsSP / Decal・Stencil [ Substance 3D Painter ] How to use the stencil This article explains how to create decals, but you can also create decals in a similar way by paint...
Substance 3D PainterSP / Blend modeSP / Paint tools [ Substance 3D Painter ] How to use the clone tool and blend mode Passthrough As you progress in texture creation, you may want to use brushes to duplicate and adjust existing ar...
Substance 3D PainterSP / Creating texturesSP / Blend modeSP / Decal・Stencil [ Substance 3D Painter ] How to create decals You can use Assets materials to create decals such as text and symbols.You can also layer multiple d...
Substance 3D PainterSP / Creating texturesSP / Effect relatedSP / Blend mode [ Substance 3D Painter ] How to change the hue and create a gradient Substance 3D Painter offers many filters such as Bevel and Blur.One of these filters is HSL Percepti...
Substance 3D PainterSP / Creating texturesSP / Effect relatedSP / Blend mode [ Substance 3D Painter ] How to create the generator Dirt One of the same generators as Curvature is Dirt.Based on baked AO and curvature, Dirt can highlight ...
Substance 3D PainterSP / Creating texturesSP / Effect relatedSP / Blend mode [ Substance 3D Painter ] How to create Curvature (Edge wear) Substance 3D Painter allows you to enable various effects by baking.One of these effects is Curvater...
Substance 3D PainterSP / Creating texturesSP / Blend mode [ Substance 3D Painter ] How to adjust roughness using grunge material After creating the base color and texture, we will add expressions such as scratches and dirt to the...